10.7% p.a.
since inception

Quarterly distributions1

Diversified portfolio of direct and listed assets

Bias to income producing assets

The Alceon Australian Property Fund aims to provide investors with a combined return of recurring income, derived from either long term rental leases or a contracted nature, and enhanced returns from selected value add and development assets with some gearing.

The Fund comprises a hybrid portfolio of listed and unlisted property and infrastructure against a benchmark comprising 50% A-REITs and Listed Infrastructure and 50% Unlisted Property and Infrastructure.

Our listed portfolio style overlay screens for pure property and infrastructure characteristics and results in minimal exposure to development, currency risk and other ‘active’ earnings.

The unlisted portfolio comprises institutional-grade assets within a diversified portfolio of internally and externally managed funds that spans the risk spectrum. The target unlisted allocation is 70% Core, 20% Value Add and 10% Development.

Investment Performance

As at 31 December 2024

Month Quarter 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since inception**
Alceon Australian Property Fund (net of fees) -1.20% -1.70% 4.80% 4.00% 6.00% 10.20%
A-REITs Index -5.80% -6.10% 17.60% 3.20% 6.00% 11.10%
Listed Infrastructure Index* 5.30% 2.20% -1.60% 0.80% 1.40% 11.70%
Unlisted Property Index -0.30% 0.40% -6.40% -2.60% 0.20% 6.10%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Returns have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account all ongoing fees, and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for taxation or for any fees charged by operators of master trusts or wrap accounts through which the products are offered. Returns of more than one year are annualised.

*A-REITs Index is the S&P/ASX 300 AREIT Accumulation index; Listed Infrastructure Index is a subset of S&P/ASX 200 Index infrastructure sub industries, as defined by the Global Industry Classification
Standard (GICS); Unlisted Property Index is the Mercer/IPD Australia Core Wholesale Property Fund Index

**Alceon Australian Property inception date – effective 7 November 2011. Performance numbers are NET and assume reinvestment of distributions.

1 Distributions are subject to distributable income.

How does it work?

The fund aims to provide investors with exposure to diversified portfolio of property and infrastructure.

The Fund invests directly into an actively managed portfolio of Property Securities and Infrastructure Securities, where most assets derive a high proportion of earnings from rental, recurring sources, or mature/contracted income.

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      Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited (ACN 160 326 545, AFSL 42828) is the responsible entity and the issuer of the product disclosure statements for the Alceon Debt Income Fund ARSN 650 960 820 and Alceon Australian Property Fund ARSN 169 952 738. Offer documentation and factsheets may be accessed through this site.

      That information on this site has been prepared by Alceon Real Asset Management Pty Ltd (ABN 99 627 059 723) Authorised Representative No. 001274531 (ARAM), the investment manager for the Funds and an affiliate member of the Alceon Group. While it has taken all reasonable care in the compilation and updating of this site, there may be inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information available from time to time. Neither ARAM nor any member of the Alceon Group, gives any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, or accepts responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information on this site.

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      Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Neither ARAM, nor any member of the Alceon Group, guarantees or provides any assurance that its investment capabilities will achieve any target, objective or return on capital. The fact that a particular investment strategy or asset or shares in a particular company may have been mentioned is not a recommendation, whether expressly or by implication, to buy, sell or hold that financial product. Any prospective price-earnings ratios, distributions yields and dividend yields referred to on this site constitute estimates only. Any estimates, projections, opinions or outlook that may be stated on this site are subject to change at any time without notice.  You should review the material assumptions, calculations and policies upon which any accompanying estimates or projections are based.
