Investors or financial advisors enquiring about your account or requesting statements can use the following details:

Alceon Debt Income Fund and
Alceon Australian Property Fund

Tel:  1300 133 451
Tel:  +61 2 8259 8888
Email: [email protected]



    Alceon Group Pty Limited
    Level 26
    1 O’Connell Street
    Sydney NSW 2000


    Alceon Group Pty Limited
    Level 26
    1 O’Connell Street
    Sydney NSW 2000


    Alceon QLD Pty Limited
    Level 10
    145 Eagle Street
    Brisbane QLD 4000
    GPO Box 3336
    Brisbane QLD 4001


    Alceon Group Pty Limited
    Level 14
    225 St Georges Tce
    Perth WA 6000
    PO Box 7029
    Cloisters Square PO WA 6850

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